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A route around south-east Essex which takes in a variety of landscapes including the ancient woodlands of Hockley and the coastal margins of the Roach and Crouch estuaries
Hockley to Rochford31 July 2012 - 5.5 MilesID31072012#39 Latest visit to me mams gaff...usual dose of walkies on the way and this was today's choice, just a 'wee tasty bite' coz the weather was a bit monkey and I had a long one scheduled for the next day. Peeled off from the mainline at Shenfield and took train to Hockley, passing through Wickford, where I lived for my first six years from manufacture to relocating to Suffolk, so I am part Luundun, Part Essex, Part Worzel...anyway, Hockley Station bailout, to walk through the woods (another childhood barely remembered experience) and then on a southeast path passing between Rayleigh and Hawkwell on easy farmland with a great (no irony) view over towards Southend and the Airport, now a lot busier than when I was an anklebiter, with Easyjet shenanigans and a lot of prop jobs flyin' about. At this point it looked like rain was imminent, and after a quick bite to eat on the edge of Rochford I hurried along to the station and made skedaddle plans just as the heavens opened. The remaining path is around 20 miles and will probably wait till 2013 The White Hart, Hockley Hockley Woods
Near Honeypots Farm Corralled by pointless electric fencing - nice! Zoom from path towards Southend and the airport Near Blatches Farm Deserted Football School by the B1013 - Where I had a dose of scoff at one of the picnic tables Approaching Rochford Station, just starting to rain |